Proclaimer Pool Trading B.V.


  1. Pool Trading B.V. (Company registry number: 24340744)
    Hereby grants you access to: ("the Website”) and invites you to purchase the information and services offered by us.
  2. Website changes
    Pool Trading can change the contents or delete parts of this website at any time. As a visitor you will not always get a specific announcement about this.


  1. Precision
    Pool Trading works hard to update and/or complement the content of the Website as often as possible. Despite this care and attention, it is possible that some content is incomplete and/or incorrect. If you encounter an error, please let us know via 
  2. Just to be clear: no guarantees
    The materials offered on the Website are offered without any form of guarantee or claim to correctness. 
  3. On hyperlinks
    1. Pool Trading will not accept any liability for hyperlinks included on the website that link to websites or services from third parties. 
    2. Naturally, the precision under point A also applies here.


  1. The rights belong to Pool Trading
    1. All intellectual property rights concerning the materials on the website are with Pool Trading. 
    2. You can use a production of Pool Trading, but only under the following condition:
  2. Permission
    1. Copying, distributing and any other use of these materials is only permitted after explicit permission from Pool Trading.
    2. This does not apply to regulations of mandatory law such as the right to quote. This is your right to quote our materials in an appropriate manner, including a reference to the source.


  1. Changes
    This proclaimer is subject to change, Pool Trading will make a statement on the website about this if possible.
  2. Any questions?
    Pool Trading is always open to all your questions. If you have a general question or a question about this proclaimer, please contact us at:
  3. Version
    The current version is 1.0., dated 24/05/18.

Haben Sie etwas zu verkaufen? Erhalten Sie ein Angebot von Pool Trading

  • Angebot innerhalb von 24 Stunden
  • Immer das beste Angebot
  • Wir halten uns an unser Angebot
  • Direkte Zahlung garantiert
  • Wir arrangieren den Transport
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